
The Real Neat Blog Awards

Hello lovely, it's been a while since I last posted as I've been concentrating on my illustration work which I hope to do a post on soon just share with you my more recent pieces. But, I'm currently have technology problems so it might be a while till I can't get them up. 

The other day I was tagged by the lovely Vanessa on Life of Vanessa-Ann for the The Real Neat Blog Awards which are similar to the Liebster Award but, you answer Seven questions instead of Eleven.

So before I start here are the rules of the tag
- Thank and link the blogger that nominated you
- Answer the seven questions they asked you 
- Nominate seven bloggers for this award and let them know you nominated them 
- Ask seven questions for your nominees

Vanessa asked me these interesting questions, I had to have a good think about a few of these answers

What's your favourite memory?
ahh I can't decide! So here are some of my top memories
meeting my boyfriend, going to Leeds festival, seeing Arctic Monkeys live, getting a hug off Johnny Marr, graduating university, getting some of my work in the Secret 7 exhibition, watching Mr Bean with my grandad on NYE one year, family holidays when I was younger, I could go on

Did anyone inspire you to start blogging?
Ohh this was a while a go now but, I think Olivia from What Olivia Did was the first blog I properly read and to this day is still a firm favourite of mine! 

Favourite and least favourite social media site?
My favourite social media site is Instagram, I also love Pinterest but, I'm not sure that's considered a social media site. I enjoy using both of them because I'm a very visual/creative person. My least favourite social media site is probably Facebook.

If you could go for a meal with ANY 5 people who would it be?
ahh this is so difficult, I'm assuming that also includes people that haved sadly passed away.
David Attenburough 
Carrie Fischer
Audrey Hepburn
My Grandad

What was the last song you listened to?
Ed Sheeran - Shape of You because the 16/17 year old Katie loves it

Where do you hope to be this time next year?
I would love to either be a full time freelance illustrator with an online shop selling prints of my illustrations OR be in a job that I am enjoying.

What has been your biggest blogger achievement? 
hmm probably getting to 600 followers on Bloglovin, getting so close to 700 eek!

I actually don't have seven favourite bloggers that haven't yet been nominated and answered questions but, here are the lovelies I am nominating

I nominate

Katherine of Millennial Rants

My questions
1. If you could only keep 5 of your personal possessions which would you keep? 
2. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
3. Favourite film, book, tv programme and song?
4. What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
5. Where would you most like to visit in your lifetime?
6. What's one thing most people don't know about you?
7. Which season do you like the most and why?

wow could I have used the words 'favourite' and 'what' any more??

Thank you so much for reading!
Love from 

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